If you are from my era, you may have seen the film Marathon Man, which this quote is from. It’s a question for today’s times, as safety is something we feel less and less of as the discord and dualism increase into chaos.
The world is now primarily run by corporations, the unconscious rich are akin to the gluttonous patricians of Rome. And the rest? Surviving and struggling at best and sure as heck don’t feel safe in this current era. Nothing is certain.
I know I cannot rely on the safety of the outside world. I can however trust that the path I am on and what I do from within may be a way for me to stay safe, but there is no guarantee of that no matter what my circumstances.
My aim is, and has always been, to build safety from within. To form a long-lasting deeper connection within my inner core that is aligned with my soul. A connection I can rely on in the worst of times. My inner sanctuary, created initially via my imagination, transformed into a deep resource within my subconscious where I can turn inward to a place that fills me with a sense of tangible spiritual safety.
This is why as I have mentioned before, it’s one of the first questions I ask my clients ‘Do you feel safe?’ They tell me how they feel safe outside of themselves and then I ask again. ‘What about within yourself? Do you feel safe within you?’ The answer is inevitably the same. ‘No.’
That’s what happens when we have been traumatised in some way. We split off/fragment to save ourselves however at the same time we also unconsciously abandon ourselves.
When we build safety within via Sanctuary, Animal Medicine, Soul Retrieval, energetic clearing etc, we are able to connect and align with our core more deeply and …..feel safe.
I have been asked recently to speak at a woman’s group in prison and this subject is so relevant to that situation. You are in a situation where you are trapped in a certain environment due to your actions right or wrong, innocent or guilty. You are limited by the rules that the institution has. However, you ‘can’ begin to change the narrative from within.
I also recently read a fascinating book by detective reporter Nellie Bly called “10 Days in a Madhouse”. Not a read for the very sensitive as it can be very triggering but other than the sheer cruelty by the female nurses I kept thinking, if only they could go within to somewhere beyond that wasn’t madness. Somewhere safe. Many of them were not mad in any way but many became so due to such inhumane treatment as a way out.
I want us in this era to have another option.
When I was very unwell, my primary terror was a fear of being invaded. In hindsight I can see that I was an empty vessel, with a weakened core and hungry for acknowledgement outside myself and on an unconscious level due to my wounding, I made room for it all.

Today there is no room. My safe core has warmly and lovingly taken that space up.
Things still come at me as I will always be sensitive by nature, but they never get that far in any more. There is a mutable solidity at my core. I liken it to the position of Wu We, where your feet are flat on the ground, knees slightly bent and you can’t be thrown off centre.
I’m not sitting on a Guru throne or anything, I am like us all, a work in progress. I still have issues and challenges like any other, however by knowing how to work within the multidimensional landscape by caretaking, retrieving, negotiating and clearing tools, I can sort what comes at me so much faster and more efficiently which makes me able to be here amidst the chaos of this era and still be of service with my feet on the ground. Either that or an earthing mat (which I can highly recommend)
The more I see how chaotic things are getting in the world the more I am grateful for what I have built within. It’s not a world that disconnects me from this one. It’s an inner world where I can feel seen, heard, loved, connected with which makes it actually a lot easier to be here. An inner retreat space of my own where my vibration is naturally lifted. These are the times that I chose to come for. It wasn’t a mistake. I didn’t get dragged into something I didn’t want. I said, yeah this looks hard as, but if I can spread these seeds of inner safety for people to grow their own safe inner spaces, then it will be worth it.
Tips on creating a sanctuary
Call in all guardians and guides for support.
Make sure you go through and ‘down’ the Shamans’ tree or cave if that is your preference.
Always return the same way.
Use gentle circular breathing to help you move deeper into your subconscious (lower world)
You are the caretaker. If something doesn’t feel right, ask for help from your guides and or transform it with your imagination, intention and breath.
Use the elements of earth, air, fire and water to bring more life into your sanctuary or to cleanse it.

Build your inner safety, as it will be your touchstone during these times of chaos.
(C) O. Nightsky 2024)
The polarities are worsening, the threat of ‘invasion’ by manipulating media and financial interest is ever real. The climate crisis side tracked by vested interests. You are right, to find that inner sanctuary and feel the interconnected ness with All of life is powerful and can help not only ourselves but potentially the collective unconscious and the Anima Mundi or World Soul
Thank-you so much for this message! I have been wondering how I will maintain my peace through November and beyond. I’m saving a copy of this to hold onto. <3 <3 <3
Thank you.