Comments on: Imagination Is Not A Dirty Word Safe Guidance For The Inner Traveller Tue, 28 Apr 2020 23:10:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: contemporaryshaman Tue, 28 Apr 2020 23:10:41 +0000 In reply to lifeexperiences621091022.

Hi Frank, We are built to grow and evolve so facing and moving through the shadows helps us do that. It is indeed is for our healing. When we run from them they psychologically, own us. When we face them, and understand the teaching in why we have attracted them they lose power and our fear decreases. Fear is normal, its what you do after feeling that, that can change things. Building safety within and spending more time…like a regular practice of journeying to one’s sacred sanctuary space and connecting with spirit animals etc nourishes you enough and holds space for you to face what may come. Blessings Odette

By: lifeexperiences621091022 Tue, 28 Apr 2020 10:28:14 +0000 Dear Odette

A thought that came to me reading your interesting post was about that journey that one is taken on, like in a dream or hallucination.  And it is that wording “that one is taken on”, that was the thought, that we are taken on a journey.  Then the idea of what is this thing that takes us on the journey.  Is there a part of us or a other that charts the journey that we are so totally immersed in.  Maybe it is a wise, powerful, scary and benificent intelligence, one that we need to bring us to those lessons – like you said – and that I guess brings us face to face with the lessons of our shadow side.

The point that I wanted to get to is feel less scared knowing that those scary experiences/journeys are carefully crafted for my greatest healing – even though in some I am right at the limit of my ability to get through them.

Thanks for your post, your journeys feel very dynamic.

Best wishes


By: contemporaryshaman Mon, 27 Apr 2020 07:04:13 +0000 You are most welcome Fiona. I appreciate your lovely feedback. Blessings Odette
