Comments on: Shonky Shamanism Safe Guidance For The Inner Traveller Sat, 01 Dec 2018 09:38:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jo Sat, 01 Dec 2018 09:38:26 +0000 Fantastic post. This reminds me of the time I went on a school retreat to the outbacks with the Australian Aboriginal elders. They shared knowledge and techniques for us teenagers. They taught us that any forms of healing should be shared. It changed our perception on the world and existance. This article reminded me of that time. Thank you.

By: Spirit Warrior Coach Sun, 18 Nov 2018 03:57:04 +0000 ]]> So beautifully explained,thankyou for sharing, I totally can relate to your true words. Bless ❣️

By: contemporaryshaman Mon, 27 Aug 2018 00:11:00 +0000 In reply to Amari Magdalena.

Thanks for the lovely feedback Amari. Blessings on all that you do. Odette

By: Amari Magdalena Sun, 26 Aug 2018 14:56:14 +0000 Very well articulated and thought evoking. I’ve been the target of some of the vitriol of those labeling me a “Plastic” Shaman. I truly understand what you expressed. I decided to ignore them as I have been in integrity over my 28 years of practice. Keep shining! Love and Blessings, Amari Magdalena, Founder of The Institute for Shamanic Synthesis.

By: Deanna Wed, 08 Aug 2018 06:01:10 +0000 Thank You! So eloquently put! I an a shamanic artist/healer/counselor. I resonate and share similar views and experience. Namaste!

By: Deniece Tue, 07 Aug 2018 04:07:51 +0000 Amazing…there has been so much coming up around me recently concerning ceremony. Loved reading your views Odette. I sit in ceremony as often as I can. It is personal to me…not learnt from another of this time. It is within my own quietness that it evolves and it brings me such joy. I believe we all hold ceremony within us..we all hold our own medicine…however I do believe it takes time to strengthen and become a sacred part of us, and guidance from those wiser than ourselves is always a blessing. We are all here to help each other to evolve and grow and I do believe we are of most use to others when we are as whole and fulfilled as we can be….then it is time to share and be of service. If you intention is of truth, be yourself and take the many tools you have gathered and respectfully use them for the good of all. xx

By: Suzy Gosbell Sun, 05 Aug 2018 07:59:41 +0000 Beautifhlly articulated Odette. My sentiments exactly. When we jave recieved some tools through working through our own pain, it is a gift we have to pass on to others to help then in their healing journey. Xx

By: Anne Verstappen Sun, 05 Aug 2018 07:43:25 +0000 Thank you for your blog. Oh, how true does this sound to me. So, so true.
Myself, I have learned shamanic ways and techniques in workshops and at first it felt like coming home. Later on, I felt kind of trapped in “you have to do it this way” or … (that was never literally said what would happen).
I have also learned from other teachers, mostly from books and through the internet. And a lot through my own therapy. And now, at age 53, I do feel I can really start to be of service for other people in my own practise, since my health is finally improving enough. And I am getting more clear what my own recipe is. The most important for me is to do it my own way and use my own intuition and wisdom. And I do that as much as possible. I still am figuring out what part shamanism plays in my work. What it really is or means. It seems more and more just about living together with all that is around us, and being respectfull of all other beings and spirits and in healing work asking them to help me, stand by me or work through me. And that all rituals are just about helping to do that. But when a ritual becomes a goal, than I feel the real goal has become lost. It’s about how we feel, how we live, are we loving and respectfull of ourselves and other humans, animals, plants, spirits, …
Again, thank you for being you and doing your beautifull contemporary shamanic service work

By: R Sun, 05 Aug 2018 05:25:15 +0000 I had a similar experience recently where this concept came up for me as well
