Comments on: New Age Narcissism Safe Guidance For The Inner Traveller Tue, 15 Aug 2017 09:09:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Black Rose Tue, 15 Aug 2017 09:09:13 +0000 Wow. Yes. I know two Reiki masters who are exactly like this. I had thought it must be me doing things wrong as I always seemed to get it wrong no matter if I was apparently doing the same as everyone else. I was fine until they realised I could do/see more than them – then they became unkind and superior. I was a dancing teacher most of my life and in my mind, your only aim in life is for the student to exceed the skills of the master. I never realised what I was capable of till I got away from those controlling people and began to grow into myself. Humility is so important when you have such powerful gifts to help others. If we are to evolve, then the students must always exceed the skills of the masters.

By: contemporaryshaman Wed, 06 Apr 2016 13:24:08 +0000 In reply to jude bestwick.

You are most welcome. Glad it resonated šŸ™‚ Blessings <3

By: jude bestwick Wed, 06 Apr 2016 10:35:17 +0000 thankyou Odette – have shared this blog on facebook – I studied narcissism as part of my psychotherapeutic training and have encountered the condition in clients and amongst people I have met outside of practice – I appreciate your take on it – you have a way with words that is lucid and clear xx

By: Thomas Southern Sat, 26 Dec 2015 09:31:44 +0000 I was whammied by a literal “evil stepmother” who came within a hair’s breath from collapsing my heart into such a monster. I found my own inner source through discovering lucid dreaming which helped me to overcome her pressure but I spent the next three decade attracting lesser monsters to help me learn to be safe from them without closing my heart. In the middle of the journey I began to express love unconditionally to these monsters and everything began to change. As I came out of this journey, that unconditional love reached many also ready to heal.

Unconditional love is the answer but we have to admit there are blameless incurablet monsters we can never pity to make unconditional love a real solution. It becomes easy to stand up to demons when there is nothing within for them to pull. It is hope to their victims when they see you are a normal person like them standanding up for them.

By: contemporaryshaman Mon, 07 Dec 2015 04:37:22 +0000 In reply to A nose that is Māori.

Glad it resonated with you šŸ™‚ Blessings x

By: A nose that is Māori Mon, 07 Dec 2015 02:24:53 +0000 One thing that I have noticed in walking my talk, is that the glory comes internally. While many I have observed seek the glory externally from others around them or the above them. What I enjoyed about this post Odette, is that you gave me cause to rethink a few of my own motives of late.

By: douwebeerda Mon, 23 Nov 2015 11:28:07 +0000 I think we live in a world where people are trained out of loving themselves by a lot of institutions. A lot of new age focusses on restoring self worth, which is very valuable but obviously people can shoot form hating themselves into loving themselves at the cost of others. As with anything trying to find your balance often requires shooting over in a certain direction for a while to see that you have gone a bit to far.

I think that if people learn to appreciate themselves and in the meanwhile respect the free will and freedom to make their own choices of all parties involved there isn’t that much that can go horribly wrong.

Harmonious alignment with yourself and your surrounding seems like a nice thing to aim for from my point of view at least.

By: contemporaryshaman Mon, 23 Nov 2015 06:21:00 +0000 In reply to Rochelle.

You are most welcome. Thanks for your lovely feedback. Blessings on your journey within and without x

By: Rochelle Mon, 23 Nov 2015 04:00:24 +0000 Thank you for this post and sharing your views. I’ve met quite a few people along my path of discovery that you’ve described to a perfect “T”. I make a concentrated effort to listen with all of my senses, otherwise I find situations can quickly get out of control.

I greatly respect your work here and over at FB. You have a wonderful way of posting something important for me, right when I really need the insight or alternate point of view.

Many blessings to you and yours.
