Comments on: The Vulnerable Self Safe Guidance For The Inner Traveller Wed, 04 Jul 2018 01:14:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: contemporaryshaman Wed, 04 Jul 2018 01:14:38 +0000 In reply to Elisabeth.

You are most welcome Elisabeth! And thank you for the lovely feedback. Blessings Odette

By: Elisabeth Mon, 02 Jul 2018 16:45:04 +0000 My god Odette! You are so amazing! This has touch a nerve deep into my soul, thank you. My mom’s name is also Odette.

By: contemporaryshaman Wed, 10 Aug 2016 23:57:11 +0000 In reply to A nose that is Māori.

You are most welcome. And thank YOU for sharing your honesty and your heart. Indeed it is a bumbpy journey to finding what resonates with us individually and others can cloud that without knowing it. Blessings on your journey. May it take your into richer heart experiences. Odette

By: A nose that is Māori Wed, 10 Aug 2016 20:53:54 +0000 You wrote: “To connect with someone who validates your vulnerability is like finding a gem in a pile of rocks. For many of those who are highly sensitive, that’s not easy as most people are in denial of the depth of their vulnerability and to be honest they feel helpless in this regard most of the time.”

One of the things that I most appreciate about having found your journal here Odette, is validation. I’m not too different from you in terms of having always been a deeply vulnerable and sensitive person. Even when I employed the usage of alcohol and other drugs, food and did long stints of either celibacy (aka frigidity) or promiscuity etc – I was still so freaking vulnerable and raw. I did so many things to seek attention – to seek help, and was continually met with others denial and much worse things.

This often led me to reroute and I’d find another form of survival to attempt to escape into ie depression and other forms of mental unwellness to try and hide the distress I was constantly in.

And then somewhere along the line – unsure when, a few years now though, I decided enough is enough and I decided to fly solo. No friends. No family. I’ve had the odd cat and other wonderful animal along the way however in terms of people – nah. And I went within. Deep deep deep within. LOL – so far within, that I ended up needing assistance to get back out! So, now I’m back out and have been going from strength to strength, particularly within the last 4 years when I finally gave myself permission to leave behind everybody elses opinions about what “was good for me” and went and lived rural.

I get to choose now. I get to choose who I want in my inner and outer lives. I get to choose when I want to engage with people and when I do not. I get to choose when I want to walk around the paddocks (and now I have a head torch thing I rock!). I get to watch Rā come up over the hills when I want to. I get to watch the current ice and frosts melt as Rā comes up and I get to watch the frosts drip as they melt away from the tops of trees and roofs.

I get to choose when I want to get up and start my day. I am no longer controlled by neighbours due to my hours. I am no longer controlled by messages that I’ve been bombarded with my entire life regarding how important it is to be social etc. I get to choose now, when I want to be around people and when I do not. I get to choose what I want to spend my money on and what I do not. I rarely listen to anyone elses stuff any more. And, I’m okay with having very little respect for most people who come into contact with me.

I am gutsy and worthy.
I am upset and vulnerable.
I am fucking amazing.

And I always have been.

I couldn’t see it – nor could I allow myself to be it, or to know it, because I was so bribed and drugged on other peoples needs and wants and requirements and desires and opinions and … and …. and … It took yet another sexually violent ‘relationship’ to get me moving in the direction(s) that I wanted to move in. Directions that near everyone I’ve ever known has guffed at me about, or felt it necessary for me to know “there’s no money to be made in assisting others to wellness” etc.

There’s so much I’ve wanted to do with my life. So much. And I’m now giving myself permission to damn well do it. I’ve been gradually buying instruments to assist me in assisting others who respond to frequencies deep within their beings that will allow certain blockages to shift etc. I have a wealth of information from lived experiences from the inner and outer worlds I’ve walked in. I no longer want to waste my time anymore.

My theme for this year was Self Actualisation. Doing it.

So, in bringing this kōrero full circle … just thanks Odette. Thanks for your journey sharing. Thanks, so much.

By: contemporaryshaman Fri, 27 Jan 2012 03:29:47 +0000 In reply to Kate M..

Here is the link where it came from

Blessings. Odette

By: Kate M. Fri, 27 Jan 2012 03:18:13 +0000 I am curious about the source of the drawing of the child with its head on its arms. I was googling for an illustration for an article about teaching meditation to vulnerable communities and it popped up. If it is yours, could I use it for this purpose, with a credit? I’m afraid I have no budget to offer you money.

By: jackerooni Wed, 28 Dec 2011 03:11:30 +0000 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

By: Char Mon, 26 Dec 2011 09:28:59 +0000 Bridgeing this gap to the inner Child takes courage, it is one of the most compassionate journeys one can take to reach the vulnerable parts of yourself that only you can find. The support of a spiritual midwife such as Odette is sometimes all we need to transition through the dark night of our fears and vulnerability,to birth our strengths, our medicine and hold our inner child in our arms, close to our hearts where they belong.
Love and Blessings Odette. xx

By: contemporaryshaman Sat, 17 Dec 2011 02:24:04 +0000 In reply to danielledevalera.

Thanks Danielle….wishing you a happy silly season whatever it brings. Blessings xx

By: danielledevalera Sat, 17 Dec 2011 01:40:00 +0000 Another good one, Odette – and just in time for Christmas, when I’m sure many people will have a hard time dealng with the feelings that the season raises in them – women particularly, who are supposed to perform so well and give so much regardless of how they’re feeling personally.
Blessings, Danielle
