Comments on: Healthy Psychic Boundaries Safe Guidance For The Inner Traveller Tue, 10 Oct 2017 03:16:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: contemporaryshaman Tue, 10 Oct 2017 03:16:33 +0000 In reply to Victoria Morrisa.

You are most welcome. Blessings Odette

By: Victoria Morrisa Tue, 10 Oct 2017 02:55:38 +0000 Thank you so much. This is fantastic

By: Tiffany Wed, 18 Jun 2014 01:08:50 +0000 I just found your blog through a google search and I am so glad I did. What you described as being invaded as a child and having a fear that something was at your back trying to get at you….I was just like that….it went much deeper than being uncomfortable in certain places. It will still happen to me now as a adult even.

By: contemporaryshaman Mon, 02 Jan 2012 22:32:35 +0000 In reply to Gerri.

Thanks Gerri. You can purchase my workbook and The Bridge Between Two Worlds… through my website have a look at an older post called boundaries or walls and there is also free articles to download..take a look at the one on exorcism …that may be good to begin with and I will post something on psychic protection in the next few weeks. Blessings Odette

By: Gerri Sun, 01 Jan 2012 23:41:32 +0000 I have been on quite a spritual journey the last couple of years. Finally ackowledging the gifts that I’ve been given and trying to navigate my way through what it all means (both to myself and to those I may help). It feels like my biggest struggles are in regard to psychic protection. Do you have any advice on the ways which one can “practice” protecting themselves?

Many thanks. I’m so happy to have found your blog!!

By: Char Wed, 28 Sep 2011 12:55:59 +0000 Words of wisdom. Sometimes, as i have learnt we need to unwind some of the ways we leak and give away our energy. This is one i have been learning for a long time in many different ways and dimensions. I started with building stronger physical boundaries. Learning to care for myself. Learning this as a young adult was not easy. I found while some where out their having a good time i was parenting myself and learning personal basics to keep myself safe. Always working to establish safety. Along the way i have learnt and retrieved many gifts internal and external. Always learning and defining and discovering. You already know this story intimately. I am so grateful for the guidance and the constant sharing and encouragement from you. It feels like a long journey at times. Where would we be without Kindred,compassionate, sensitive souls?
